Jheronimus Hieronymus Bosch en Drie Koningen adoration of the Magi

The Project

The Bosch Research and Conservation Project (BRCP) was a joint initiative of the Jheronimus Bosch 500 Foundation, Radboud University Nijmegen and Het Noordbrabants Museum ’s-Hertogenbosch, as part of the preparations for the groundbreaking retrospective exhibition of the works of Jheronimus Bosch in Het Noordbrabants Museum ('Jheronimus Bosch - Visions of Genius': 13 February - 8 May 2016).


The aim of the project is to gain a better understanding of the paintings and drawings of Bosch, his workshop and followers and preserve them for future generations. To achieve this, paintings and drawings are documented in extreme resolutions with macro photography in visible and infrared light, and with infrared reflectography, following standardized set up. Radiographs, when available, are digitized.


The individual macro-recordings on this website are stitched, registered and made available with online viewers. The results of the first research into the paintings of Bosch can be accessed on the website created by Robert G. Erdmann boschproject.org, the website of the original Bosch Research and Conservation Project (2011-2016). The images of the original research are stitched and registered by Robert G. Erdmann. These images can be viewed on the website boschproject.org with the Curtain Viewer developed by Erdmann.


The first stage of this project (BRCP1) ran from 2010 until 2017. The project’s second stage (BRCP2) started in 2017 and will run through 2023. The current website offers the preliminary results of BRCP2. As part of the second stage of the project the research exhibition ‘From Bosch’s Stable, Hieronymus Bosch and The Adoration of the Magi’ was organized by The Noordbrabants Museum (1 December 2018 - 10 March 2019).


The current research team consists of: Luuk Hoogstede (conservator), Matthijs Ilsink, Rik Klein Gotink (photography), Jos Koldeweij, Frans Nies, Ron Spronk. 

Former research team members are: Robert G. Erdmann, Hanneke Nap, Daan Veldhuizen.


BRCP Publications / Publications by and originating from the BRCP

From Bosch’s Stable 2018 (published in English and Dutch)

Matthijs Ilsink, Jos Koldeweij, Ron Spronk, with contributions by Luuk Hoogstede and Rik Klein Gotink, Exh. cat. From Bosch’s Stable. Jheronimus Bosch and the Adoration of the Magi, ’s-Hertogenbosch (Het Noordbrabants Museum) 2018.


BRCP 2016, vol. I (published in English, Dutch, German and French)

Matthijs Ilsink, Jos Koldeweij, Ron Spronk, Luuk Hoogstede, Robert G. Erdmann, Rik Klein Gotink, Hanneke Nap and Daan Veldhuizen, Hieronymus Bosch, Painter and Draughtsman. Catalogue Raisonné, Brussels 2016.


BRCP 2016, vol. II

Luuk Hoogstede, Ron Spronk, Robert G. Erdmann, Rik Klein Gotink, Matthijs Ilsink, Jos Koldeweij, Hanneke Nap and Daan Veldhuizen, Hieronymus Bosch, Painter and Draughtsman. Technical Studies, Brussels 2016.


Visions of Genius 2016 (published in English, Dutch, German and French)

Matthijs Ilsink, Jos Koldeweij, Exh. cat. Hieronymus Bosch (circa 1450-1516) - Visions of Genius, ’s-Hertogenbosch (Het Noordbrabants Museum) 2016.